Committee of Eminent Chiefs

The Committee of Eminent Chiefs says the committee will continue to engage the Yaa Na after upon completion of all customs and traditions in the enskinnment process, in an effort to resolve all outstanding issues pertaining.

Some of these issues include “all the funerals of Princes and elders of Dagbon and enskinment of both Regents of Na Mahamadu Abdulai IV and Na Yakubu Andani II and other Regents.

The committee in a Press Statement also urged Dagombas especially Abudus and Andanis to accord the “due recognition and obeisance to the new Ya-Na as we chart a new course for lasting peace in Dagbon”.

The Committee believes “there is a good chance of restoring Dagbon back to normalcy using time tested Dagbon customs and traditions where only those who are enskinned as Ya-Nas shall come from GATE SKINS unless otherwise”

The committee extended her appreciation to the Abudu and Andani Royal families “especially the Regents Bolin-Lana Abdulai Mahamadu and Kampakuya-Naa Andani Yakubu Abdulai for their understanding and cooperation in the performance of the funerals of both Na-Mahamadu Abdulai IV and Ya-Na Yakubu Andani II and other Regents.

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