December starts with the countdown to Christmas, that only means harmattan season is here again where the weather gets extra dry, very cold in the morning and night, very hot in the afternoon.

This is the time of the year most of us struggle with taking care of our skin or maintaining a healthy skin.

2020 has already stressed us out enough so I cannot have you going through this festive season extra stressed, so here are some tips to help take care of your skin:


1. Bath or Shower  With Lukewarm Water.
Yes, I know that the mornings are really cold and having a shower with cold water isn’t an option and hot water isn’t an option either, it strips the skin of it’s natural oil barrier which makes the skin dry and itchy. Hence, opt for lukewarm water. Bath at least twice a day.


2. Moisturize
Moisturize right in the bathroom to help your skin lock in the moisture, stepping out will dry up your skin quickly! I advice you use products that have a high concentration in natural oils and butter like coconut oil, olive oil, and shea butter to keep the skin moist and protected.


3. Exfoliate
Get rid of the dead skin cells to make it easy to moisturize by  exfoliating and don’t use harsh exfoliates, instead use  homemade exfoliators made from natural ingredients.


4. Drink Water, Eat Fruit and Veggies
I know you know this already, but let me remind you to drink water at least 8 glasses a day to keep hydrated and ohh! don’t forget to eat fruits and veggies that contain vitamin C. I advice you carry a bottle of water anywhere and everywhere you go to keep hydrated.

Fruit and vegetables

5. Exercise
Time to break sweat for proper blood circulation and release toxins from the body through the sweat. This prevents dryness. For me this is optional.




Always remember to use safe product and avoid using high alcohol or astringent cleansers or washes as they will strip your skin of its natural oils. Happy harmattan!!


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