By King Nelson & Queen Elizabeth
Yes, we are profoundly serious about this statement! Your destiny helpers will not chase you. They are not supposed to be looking for you. You must show up in order to be discovered and helped. That’s the strategy!
It is important to understand that each of us have specific people God has chosen to assist us in realizing our life’s biggest dreams. That is the way God made life. Irrespective of your status or wealth, you will always need certain people to accomplish your dreams in life.
There are things you may not be able to do even if you have the money for it. You need people with with specific anointing for that task!
There are men and women God has selected to help you in achieving your goals in life. Let this sink into your heart and pursue it. It can make a great difference in your life.
There is no way God would have you go through unnecessary suffering just trying to make the best of life without a helper. No! That is not the way God does His things. There is no way God will lay a great vision on your heart without giving you specific people who must assist you.
It is important to understand that for every vision God gives you, He will always prepare people to assist you in its fulfillment.
It is therefore your duty to strategically position yourself in order to attract these especially important people. Mind you, God prepared them long ago before you were even born.
He made a provision for the achievement of the vision He gave you.
You Must Show up!
How do you gain access to these destiny helpers? You must show up! What does it mean to show up? You arise and work at your dreams. You must become aggressive at changing your destiny. You must be angry at your current situation and strive for a change. You must become an ardent pursuer of purpose and destiny.
Oversleeping, blaming others, association with people who have no goal in sight, laziness, arrogance and pride, and giving unnecessary excuses will drive your destiny helpers away.
Let them See You Busy at Your Dreams
You should not expect your destiny helpers to look for you. You must show up! Your helpers will not show up until you show up! It is not the duty of your helpers to chase you! You are supposed to look out for them.
The easiest way to attract your destiny helpers is to rise and work on your dreams. Maybe you have become too relaxed in life. May be, you have overpampered yourself. It is time to take over the steering wheel.
Until you arise and work diligently on your dreams, your helpers will not show up.
Consistency in the pursuit of your vision will release your destiny helpers.
Appreciate Divine Timing.
It is also important to note that God has timing for the show up of these helpers. Divine timing is of essence here. This is where prayer comes in. But befude you pray, you must work. That’s the right order.
Why pray for helpers when you are doing nothing? So, what must you do? Wait for them? Do not give up if you have done everything possible but still cannot find any destiny helper.
They are on the way. You will surely find them. Just be a little patience will do.
Your day of glory will surely show up!
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Awesome…. I’m encouraged. God bless you! ?